Sustainable Forest Conservation and Youth Empowerment in the Western North Region, Ghana
The Western North Region of Ghana, known for its lush forest landscapes in areas like Juaboso-Bia and Sefwi-Wiawso, is rich in biodiversity and vital ecosystems. These forests serve as carbon sinks, biodiversity reserves, and tourist attractions, contributing to social cohesion and economic growth. However, they face severe threats from human activities, poor law enforcement, and ineffective resource governance. Illegal mining and logging have led to alarming rates of deforestation and environmental degradation, posing long-term challenges for sustainable development.
The primary objective of this project is to reduce deforestation and land degradation in the Western North Region through enhanced agricultural productivity and the provision of employable skills. Specific objectives include:
Despite its natural wealth, the Western North Region faces significant environmental challenges due to illegal mining and logging. Unemployment and a lack of employable skills drive many youths into these destructive activities. A survey by the ESDEV Foundation Africa and partners indicates that many illegal miners are willing to switch to alternative livelihoods if provided with the necessary skills and opportunities. This project thus addresses the root causes of environmental degradation by targeting youth employment and providing alternative livelihoods, thereby fostering sustainable development and environmental conservation.
Expected Outcomes
Intervention Approach
The ESDEV Foundation Africa, in collaboration with the government and relevant CSOs, is actively raising awareness about environmental protection through community actions and partnerships. To tackle high unemployment rates, the Foundation conducts research to identify skills required for alternative livelihoods. It targets young people involved in illegal mining for sensitization and skill development through TVET institutions. The initiative also focuses on enhancing the agricultural and forestry value chain and establishing a multi-stakeholder Climate Action Centre to coordinate climate actions and protect forest landscapes.