Introducing the Kurasa Africa Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Platform (TLAP).

An Initiative of ESDEV Foundation Africa in Partnership with Kurasa Africa

Background and Rationale

In Ghana's current educational landscape, Basic Schools, both public and private, continue to rely heavily on traditional, paper-based systems for managing critical records related to learners, parents, and teachers. This reliance on outdated methods has far-reaching implications, not only for the administrative efficiency of schools but also for the quality of education students receive. The use of paper-based systems presents several significant challenges. First, these systems are vulnerable to the loss or damage of important records, which can jeopardize the accurate tracking of student progress.

Additionally, the manual processes involved are time-consuming and inefficient, diverting teachers' attention away from their primary role of delivering quality instruction. Educators are often burdened with administrative tasks such as preparing lesson notes, grading assignments, and maintaining records. Moreover, the existing communication methods between schools and parents are often inadequate. This disconnect hinders parents from staying informed about their children’s academic progress and school activities, resulting in decreased parental engagement. This lack of involvement can negatively impact student motivation, attendance, and overall academic performance.

These challenges are not just logistical issues, they represent barriers to the success and future of children in school. In response to these, the ESDEV Foundation Africa, in collaboration with Kurasa Africa - a leading EdTech organization based in Kenya, is launching the Kurasa Africa Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Platform (TLAP). This innovative platform is designed to address the systemic challenges facing Ghana’s Basic Schools.

Objectives of TLAP

Empowering Teachers:

TLAP will enhance teachers' competencies within the Common Core Programme of the new Basic School Curriculum, allowing them to focus more on teaching and less on administrative tasks.

Streamlining School Management:

The platform will introduce a more efficient, digital approach to school management, reducing the time and resources spent on manual processes.

Enhancing Data Management:

With a robust digital system in place, schools can securely store and manage data, minimizing the risks associated with paper-based records.

Supporting Teacher Professional Development:

TLAP will offer continuous professional development opportunities for teachers, ensuring they remain equipped to deliver high-quality education.

Improving Communication:

The platform will strengthen the connection between schools, parents, and the wider community, fostering greater parental engagement and support for students.

Promote Parental Involvement:

Empower parents with access to their child’s academic records, attendance, and school announcements, fostering a stronger home-school partnership.

Key Features of the Kurasa Platform

Lesson Note Preparation

TLAP will enhance teachers' competencies within the Common Core Programme of the new Basic School Curriculum, allowing them to focus more on teaching and less on administrative tasks.

Assessment Score Format (PDF)

The system facilitates standardized assessment scoring, enabling efficient grading and comprehensive analysis of student performance.

Attendance Marking Sheet

Digital attendance tracking simplifies record-keeping and provides real-time data on student presence, which is crucial for monitoring and intervention.

Individual Education Plan (IEP)

Allows for the development of personalized learning plans for students who require remediation, ensuring tailored support for individual needs.

Benefits of the Kurasa Platform

Calling All Private and Public Schools To Come On board

The introduction of TLAP is not merely a technological advancement; it is a strategic intervention to transform the educational landscape in Ghana. By addressing the inefficiencies of the current system and fostering stronger community involvement, TLAP promises to enhance learning outcomes and ensure that every child in Ghana receives the support they need to succeed. This initiative represents a critical step forward in securing a brighter future for the next generation. Through this partnership between ESDEV Foundation Africa and Kurasa Africa, we are poised to make a significant impact on the quality of education in Ghana and beyond.